About Us
The Center for Human Values (CHV) is a values-based service organization that seeks to develop an awareness of the human values that already reside within us. Knowledge of this treasure within will allow humans to achieve the true purpose of their lives.
CHV is established as a non-profit corporation serving exclusively for educational and charitable purposes.
CHV envisions a positive change through the revitalization of human values in all aspects of life – physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, social, educational, etc.
The primary purpose of CHV is two-fold:
⮚ Offer universal human values-based programs and events for children and adults aimed at character building and well-being by drawing out the inherent goodness in every human being.
⮚ Free academic coaching and tutoring and educational improvement programs for children via academic tutoring and coaching. Priority and focus are to provide this service for children who need it most due to either economic or family challenges.
Our inspiration and guide is Sathya Sai Baba, an eminent world educator and founder of schools & universities in India, whose vision promoted excellence in academics through an emphasis on human values and ethics. His universal teachings include values-oriented living and selfless service as a means for enhancing one’s own growth and development.
Human Values
Center for Human Values seeks to develop an awareness of the universal inherent human values which enable humans to reach their highest potential. It is not enough that we just live our lives. The more important question is how do we live it?
We believe the fundamental pillars for achieving our true human potential is to practice living the five human values of Truth, Right Action, Peace, Love and Nonviolence.

Truth is that
which is to be lived

Right Action is that
which is to be practiced

which is to be experienced

Love is the state
in which to exist naturally

of oneness of all-beings
THE center for human values (CHV) PLACES A STRONG EMPHASIS on virtous conduct in our daily lives and aims to lead by example.
Awareness of Human Values (AHV)
Our programs are based on the philosophy of Educare, which means to draw out what is already within. The programs are designed to draw out, accentuate and nurture an individual’s positive qualities and capabilities to aid in translating human values into positive action. The programs are experiential and transformational in nature. Program techniques include carefully chosen experiential activities, quotations, stories, silent reflections, and practical life applications.
The “End of Education is Character”. While worldly education focuses on earning a living, practicing the five human values leads to virtuous living. This results in a compassionate heart with a sacred urge to take action in practical ways for the well-being of the community. Our first principle is “first be, then do”, meaning lead by example. Our program facilitators are encouraged to practice self-inquiry – not just knowing and understanding the values but resonating with the possibilities of the practical application of the values.
CHV helps navigate changes in society in more creative and cooperative ways. The facilitators of this program, who specialize in value-based workshops and programs for schools, communities, and organizations are trained in Educare teaching methods that draw out the innate human values of the participants that lead them to be self-confident, self-aware, self-reliant, healthy, and compassionate human beings. Human Values programs by CHV can be implemented at various settings including but not limited to schools, corporations, and other social organizations.
AHV Activities
- Parenting
- Women Empowerment
- Juvenile Justice Program
- Yoga for Excellence
- Medical Profession
- Values in Action
Academic Coaching and Tutoring (ACT)
Calendar of Events
Journey from Unconscious to Conscious Living - Chat Sessions
(23 min)
(23 min)
(21 min)